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Syniti & The Environment

Syniti is committed to their clients, investors, and stakeholders in aligning its business with ESG best practices to help with the global challenge on the roadmap to sustainability. It’s not only a matter of competitive advantage in the modern marketplace, is an essential part of transparency and accountability for the company.

Our Commitment

We believe the power of data is to make a positive impact across businesses, people, and the environment.

That is why Syniti is committed to helping reduce the carbon footprint by planting trees for each successful customer Go Live and through our growth with each new employee.


Celebrate the success between Syniti, our Customers, and our Employees, by giving back to the environment. 


To plant a tree for every successful Go Live and New Synizen, and ultimately grow a Syniti Forest in each location that the company operates.


The average carbon footprint for a person globally is close to 4 tons, which can be offset by planting 6 trees per month. The Syniti Forest will become part of the Syniti landscape and will grow and flourish together with our clients and employees.


We believe in the power of data to make a positive impact on businesses, people, and the environment. 

Syniti are committed to reducing our carbon footprint.

2023 Planting by Climate Issue

By the end of 2023, Syniti has planted over 14,000 trees! Making a positive impact near the areas where we operate.

Location: North Carolina, US

Solution: Sustainable Forestry

To manage crop and livestock facilities that serve as a platform for agriculture research to make farming more efficient, productive, and profitable, while maintaining a sound environment and providing consumers with safe and affordable products.

Reforestation is critical to restoring the watershed and providing access to recreation and habitat for area wildlife, including downy woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, wild turkeys, and deer.

Location: Montgrí Natural Park, Medes Islands and Bajo Ter (Girona, Catalonia)

Solution: Ensuring a key relief for the maintenance of the space

This park occupies 8,192.19 hectares that correspond to terrestrial and marine areas. It includes two partial nature reserves; a marina to which the Medes Islands belong, and a terrestrial one that includes the Bajo Ter.

It is a unique landscape full of cliffs, beaches, and great ecological wealth in danger because of the climate changes and earth heath that makes this area an easy target for wildfires. In its marine habitat, there is a complex ecosystem. The yellow-legged gull is the most present in the area. Its presence in this reserve is so great that one of the largest colonies of its kind in Catalonia takes place here.

Every tree we help to plant here guarantees the future of the woodland, replacing the specimens that are at the end of their cycle, ensuring a critical relief for the maintenance of this space.

Location: India GDC Bangalore & Hyderabad

Solution: Implementing an economical solution for an ecological problem (large scale)

The problems of the Cauvery River are no different than other perennial river systems across the tropical world. Farmers in the Cauvery basin are in distress, the water level in the river has dropped drastically over the last few decades, and agricultural soils are getting degraded. 82% of the farmers in Tamil Nadu and 77% of the farmers in Karnataka are in debt due to failed crops. 

This project will support farmers across the two states to plant 2.4 billion trees in the Cauvery basin districts by reaching out to more than 5 million farmers to motivate them to adopt perennial agroforestry on a portion of their land, along with regular cultivation. 

This transition will lead to the triple benefits of increased soil fertility in the basin, more river water, and increased farmer income.

The Numbers to Date


Syniti is planting a tree for every successful go-live and new talent joining the organization. By the end of 2023, Syniti Forest will support the planting of more than 14,000 trees in five locations near communities where Syniti operates.


Total number of trees planted since 2021


Trees planted in the Americas


Trees planted in EMEA


Trees planted in APJ

2022 Planting by Climate Issue

During 2022, Syniti has planted over 10.000 trees! Making a positive impact near the areas where we operate

Location: North Carolina, US

Solution: Sustainable Forestry

To manage crop and livestock facilities that serve as a platform for agriculture research to make farming more efficient, productive, and profitable, while maintaining a sound environment and providing consumers with safe and affordable products.

Reforestation is critical to restoring the watershed and providing access to recreation and habitat for area wildlife, including downy woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, wild turkeys, and deer.

Location: Ávila (Mijares), Spain

Solution: Reforestation of public land burned in 2013 by wildfires 

n a surface of 40 hectares and with the goal of planting 80000 Trees to reforest this area that was deeply affected by wildfires during 2013. Planting species like Pynus Sylvestris, Betula, Sorbus, Taxus and Ilex will not only help to recover the land but also to promote biodiversity, contribute to the improvement of water cycle, fight against erosion and generate employment. 

This project is registered in the Registry of carbon footprint, offsetting, and absorption projects, managed by the Ministry for Ecological Transition of Spain. 

More Information: Proyectos Colaborativos Reforestación « Bosques Sostenibles 

Location: India GDC Bangalore & Hyderabad

Solution: Implementing an economical solution for an ecological problem (large scale)

The problems of the Cauvery River are no different than other perennial river systems across the tropical world. Farmers in the Cauvery basin are in distress, the water level in the river has dropped drastically over the last few decades, and agricultural soils are getting degraded. 82% of the farmers in Tamil Nadu and 77% of the farmers in Karnataka are in debt due to failed crops. 

This project will support farmers across the two states to plant 2.4 billion trees in the Cauvery basin districts by reaching out to more than 5 million farmers to motivate them to adopt perennial agroforestry on a portion of their land, along with regular cultivation. 

This transition will lead to the triple benefits of increased soil fertility in the basin, more river water, and increased farmer income.

2021 Planting by Climate Issue

During 2021, Syniti planted over 4,000 trees! Making a positive impact near the areas where we operate​

Location: Ohio CoE

Watershed & Wildlife habitat restoration

Niss Waterfall Preserve is a major watershed for residents in Richland County, Ohio. However, timber mining in the area has deteriorated this critical water source. 

Reforestation is critical to restoring the watershed and providing access to recreation and habitat for area wildlife, including downy woodpeckers, red-winged blackbirds, wild turkeys, and deer.

Location: Barcelona CoE

Solution: Smart planting, the first of a long walk towards zero emissions.

This area, around 500m above sea level, during past centuries was cooler and more humid due to rain patterns. The tree species that prevailed, were the ones adapted to those climate conditions that nowadays no longer exist. As a result of those changes, the forest is slowly dying. If we let nature work on its own, it will take a century or two to change from actual to newer species. In the meantime, we are losing a century of mature forests taking greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

Every tree planted is from local nearby species adapted for the future climate of the region. They are being planted 3m away from each other so light is not blocked by other trees and it can have faster growth.

In 30 years, we will have a mature forest prepared for what’s to come, making the whole area more resilient to climate change and absorbing CO2 for us and our children.

Location: India GDC Bangalore & Hyderabad

Cauvery River Basin – Implementing an economic solution for an ecological problem (large scale)​​

The problems of the Cauvery River are no different than other perennial river systems across the tropical world. Farmers in the Cauvery basin are in distress, the water level in the river has dropped drastically over the last few decades, and agricultural soils are getting degraded. 82% of the farmers in Tamil Nadu and 77% of the farmers in Karnataka are in debt due to failed crops. 

This project will support farmers across the two states to plant 2.4 billion trees in the Cauvery basin districts by reaching out to more than 5 million farmers to motivate them to adopt perennial agroforestry on a portion of their land, along with regular cultivation. 

This transition will lead to the triple benefits of increased soil fertility in the basin, more water in the river, and also increased income for the farmers.

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