Syniti Gives Back
Data centers account for more than 2% of the world’s energy usage — and that number will rise dramatically in the coming years. We believe in doing our part to make the world a better place through a variety of charitable and volunteer initiatives around the world. These include: charity, crisis relief, advancing health, and professional assistance.
Syniti believes that community-driven education is important. We support STEM, mentoring, coaching and more.
The causes Syniti champions
At Syniti, we are built for stewardship — and not just for data. Our #Synizens are stewards of each other's careers, our livelihoods, our communities, and ultimately, the planet. Here are a few ways in which #SynitiGivesBack.
Syniti Forest
Cultivating a stronger, healthier future starts at the roots. Syniti is committed to helping reduce the carbon footprint by planting trees for each successful customer Go Live and throughout our growth with each new employee.
Syniti Home.Work
Syniti employees help to facilitate the right circumstances for refugees in Greece by building what is lacking in their daily life and helping them build self-determination.
Our service in the news
#Synizens Volunteering in Singapore
At #Syniti, we believe in accelerating global and human progress, and that includes our #Synizens volunteering throughout the year to make our world a better place. Recently, a group of our Synizens in Singapore gave back to their community with Supporting Willing Hearts where they prepared food for those in need. #SynitiGivesBack